Ancient myth has it that if you stole someone's shadow, they would turn into a vampire.
If a girl leaves her house early on Valentine's Day and the first person she meets is a man, then they will be married within three months! Now that's a myth that needs no breaking!
In Greek culture, brides carry a lump of sugar in their wedding glove. It's supposed to bring sweetness to their married life.
The US$ 1 bill is considered unlucky by many a folk! It has 13 stars, 13 stripes, 13 steps, 13 arrows and an olive branch with 13 leaves on it!
You can't gift straw sandals in China! Associated with funerals, these footwear bring bad luck!
Medieval farmers looked to their pigs for signs of rain. If the pigs were to pick up sticks and walk around with them in their mouths, the heavens would surely open up!