This site has staff who helps search internet for the information so that people can find all information at one place!!
Rayhaan M Pirani does the tedious work and finds loads of information, games. He edits many sites and he is also the editor of this site. Creates games and software found on
Safzan Pirani is just a staff moderator just finding information on the best sites on the internet
T Kali Rohit is a nice fellow contributing to some pages on this site
Y Sai Siddharth contributes to riddles, jokes and fun categories on this site.
Shairoze is a little girl who tests games and software.
Become a non profit staff and enjoy benefits
First ask at about becoming staff member with your full name, email address, date of birth and other things (other things are unnecessary)
Be at home and E Mail us new information, games and videos you find at with subject as "STAFF INFORMATION"
Have your name here as staff!!*
Get a chance to create your own page on this site!!**
*Only when you provide your full name, email address and date of birth
**Conditions apply and by using only email service.